Google Ads

Reach directly to hungry customers who want to order your cuisine

Using Google Search Ads is one of the quickest ways to reach qualified individuals who have real intent to buy. They’re searching for the product or service that you’re selling. How incredible is that?
Our Google Ads team are expert that will help you reach the top of the search results, get your offer in front of qualified prospects, and win keywords your competitors aren’t even thinking about.

Walk through our initial process

1. Understanding Your Google Ad Goals

  • Reach Ready-to-Customers: Google Search Ads put your restaurant in front of people actively searching for food in your area. Stop wasting marketing dollars and target people already interested.

  • Get More Bookings & Orders: Whether it's delivery, reservations, or take-out, Google Ads drives qualified leads who are ready to spend money at your restaurant.

  • Maximize Your Ad Spend: We work with you to understand your goals (increased traffic, bookings, etc.) and design a strategy to get the most out of your budget.

  • Pay Only When They Click: Unlike traditional advertising, Google Ads uses a pay-per-click model. You only pay when someone clicks on your ad, so you know your investment is reaching real customers.

We embark on the next phase: researching keywords and audience demographics.

2. Keyword Research

  • Stop Wasting Money: Our Google Ads service ensures you target the right keywords, reaching hungry customers actively searching for food, not irrelevant terms.

  • Find Gold Mine Keywords: We act as your roadmap, identifying high-value keywords that bring in customers.

  • Collaboration is Key: We don't dictate keywords - we work with you to find the perfect fit, considering your suggestions.

  • Clear Data, Informed Decisions: We present a transparent picture of each keyword's value, search volume, and competition.

  • Beyond Clicks: We craft irresistible ads that convert clicks into loyal customers, driving real results for your restaurant.

  • Don't Just Survive, Thrive: Our Google Ads expertise helps you dominate the digital landscape and achieve your specific restaurant goals.

We embark on the next phase:
Creating Ads.

Ad creatives

3. Creating Ads

  • Stop Wasting Ad Spend: Our targeted messaging ensures your ads resonate with hungry customers, not tire them with irrelevant messages.

  • Expert Design with Cutting-Edge Tech: We use Neuro-Marketing to craft high-impact Google Ads campaigns tailored to your restaurant's unique goals.

  • Boost Visibility & Conversions: Utilize ad extensions we recommend to increase engagement and maximize the effectiveness of your campaigns.

  • Maximize Quality Score & Ad Placement: Our meticulous optimization ensures your ads appear prominently in search results while staying flexible to market changes.

  • A/B Testing for Continues Improvement: We don't settle for one version - we constantly refine and optimize your ad campaign using data-driven insights for maximum success.

We embark on the next phase: Getting your approval.

Client Approval

4. Client Review & Approval

  • Final Approval Made Easy: Review and approve your Google Ads campaign with crystal-clear, easy-to-understand documents. No data overload, just key themes, and ad visuals.

  • Your Feedback Matters: We don't just launch campaigns - we collaborate. Tweak and adjust your ads to perfection before they go live, ensuring your vision and goals are met.

We're onto the next exciting phase: launching your campaign to the consumers.

Product Launch

5. Getting Your Google Ads Live And Running

Exciting news! Your campaign is officially underway! Kick back, relax, and get ready to see the results roll in—whether it's clicks flooding in or phones ringing off the hook!

  • Maximize Your Return: We constantly refine your keywords to ensure every penny reaches the right audience at the right time.

  • Optimize Ad Schedule: We analyze data to optimize your ad schedule, squeezing the most out of your budget

  • Monthly Performance Reports: Get detailed reports on clicks, impressions, and top-performing keywords.

  • Data-Driven Refinement: We use performance data to continually improve your campaign and ensure ongoing success.

So, get ready for a journey filled with success and growth. Your campaign is in good hands, and we're here every step of the way to ensure it reaches new heights. Let's make this journey together, shall we?

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