Our Story

  • Darshal Thumar

    CEO & Technology Head

    Step into the arena of innovation and determination! At just 18, I've managed three businesses and sold one, the profits of which fueled my subsequent ventures. My motto? Focus on improvement, convert the best ideas into execution, and aim for nothing less than excellence and perfection.

    How will I help you? Not to worry, I've assembled an arsenal of skills that I've honed over time. They range from Marketing (not traditional, but neuromarketing), leading teams of talented individuals, smoothly closing deals, and managing finances with optimal efficiency. Now, you might wonder, "Isn't it too early to learn and master these skills?" Not at all. I invest my 24 hours wisely, following a structured schedule where learning, implementation, and utilizing winning practices for you are top priorities.

    I want you to ask yourself this: Are you ready to break from the ordinary? Or will you remain hesitant, watching your competition and peers achieve new levels of success? The choice is yours. Let me know what you decide.

  • Darshit Kunvar

    Director of Sales & Marketing

    Since a very young age, I've been captivated by the art of content creation. Over time, I've mastered this craft to perfection. Some may argue that creating content is a simple task, but crafting content that elicits a resounding "Heck Yes!" from customers requires a deep understanding of the human psyche, which comes only with years of study and practice.

    So, how did I succeed? It's quite straightforward. I dedicated the last five years of my teens to mastering neuro-marketing, a skill utilized by major corporations to sway consumers towards products they may not necessarily need.

    From content creation to promotion, I've mastered every aspect of the process. My secret sauce involves blending creativity with a pinch of psychology. By thinking in a manner that resonates with people while injecting an element of entertainment, I disrupt the mechanical process and tap into the minds of ideal customers.

    In essence, I am the "artist" of modern content creation. With a proven track record, I confidently can say that there's no business too big or too bold for me to elevate. When it comes to the fusion of intellect, creativity, and neuro-marketing, I paint a picture of success that's unparalleled. Want to learn more about neuro marketing?