Your new restaurant website.

Growth Hacker Genius websites have superpowers that grow your direct online sales & no need to be dependent on third-party apps.

Designed to maximize your sales

Turn your website into your #1 sales channel. Growth Hacker Genius gives you an attractive website that’s built to drive direct orders.

Get more website traffic from google

Get more website traffic from Google

Our secret sauce: we use secret menu pages and SEO to get you more digital foot traffic from Google. We’ll get more hungry people in your delivery area to visit your website instantly.

Convert More Customers and use the right keyword

Convert more customers

Our websites convert 2X to 4X better than the average restaurant website. We’ve spent millions of dollars figuring out how to get more of your customers to order directly from you , growing your bottom line.

Build your customer database

You can now finally have a direct relationship with your online customers instead of third-party apps stealing your data. With every direct order, we’ll help you collect customer names, emails, and phone numbers and provide them with the best user experience by signing them up for our loyalty program.

Try Growth Hacker Genius For Your Restaurant

Take back control of your margins, customer data, and online reputation.

Discover why our new partners increase online sales by an average of 270% in their first three months.

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